Self-Care Tip: Dig Your Hands in the Dirt


Many people turn to gardening as a form of self-care. There is just something about getting your hands in the dirt, growing and caring for plants, and maybe even putting food on your table.

Getting started with gardening can sometimes increase your stress — gathering tools, learning the basics, and making time all take energy — so now might not be the time to take up a new hobby like gardening. But maybe you are trying to reconnect with an activity that brings you joy or validates the feelings you get from gardening.

Whatever the case may be, here are some of the ways that research has shown that gardening can improve your mental health:

  • Looking after plants gives us a sense of responsibility.

  • Gardening allows us all to be nurturers.

  • Gardening keeps us connected to other living things.

  • Gardening helps us relax and let go.

  • Working in nature releases happy hormones.

  • Being among plants and flowers reminds us to live in the present moment.

For more about the benefits of gardening, check out this article: