Santa Clara Public Defender and Gateway Visit Muriel Wright SUTS and CRT

On 5/19/22, the Muriel Wright Substance Use Treatment Services (SUTS) and Crisis Residential Treatment (CRT) programs welcomed the staff and staff to witness client graduations, hear client testimonials, and tour the facility led by Muriel Wright SUTS clients. It was an inspiring event showcasing the clients' hard work and the programs that support them. Attorneys and social workers were honored to participate in this special ceremony!

The Public Defender Office requested an onsite visit to gather more information about both facilities. Clients have been requesting to come and participate in the programs, and the Public Defender Office wanted to see firsthand how great these facilities operate. The tour gave them a better understanding of how the programs treat their clients with respect and dignity and the positive culture of support and sobriety between the clients. The Public Defender Office will now start referring more clients to the programs!

The SUTS program has had a profound impact on the lives of its clients. They were thrilled to share their journeys with everyone and highlight how their lives have changed for the better. There were many tears of happiness.

Thank you to Dr. Michael Ybarra for their work in creating a beautiful program and preparing the clients. Your dedication is very much appreciated!