California Residents, Be Sure To Register To Vote By May 23!

If you live in California, make sure you get a voice in this election. Register now!

The deadline to vote in the California’s June 7 Primary Election is .

Californians who have not registered to vote can . The step-by-step process is available in a variety of languages and only takes a few minutes.

If you do not know if you are registered, or if you do not remember your party affiliation,  If you’ve moved or changed your last name since the last election, you need to update your voter registration.

California's Secretary of State Alex Padilla is calling all eligible voters to action. He said in a , â€œIf the election were held today, over 7 million otherwise eligible Californians would be left on the sidelines. Fortunately, there is still time to register to vote in the June 7 Presidential Primary Election. Whether you’ve recently turned 18, become a new US citizen, or just want to vote for the first time—I urge Californians to register today."

In California, the American Independent, Democratic, and Libertarian parties will  in the upcoming primary. This means that voters who do not affiliate themselves with any party  in the June 7 primary.
More voter information can be found .