Middle School Students Visit With Garfield NBC

Submitted by: Teresa E. Thomas
Clinical Director of Garfield Neurobehavioral Center

For the past two years, has partnered with a local middle school in East Oakland to bring in entertainment for the residents. These middle school students read poetry, play piano, sing, show art work and write personalized letters to our residents. Garfield staff speak with the students about healthcare careers and working with people with mental illness.

“Dear all amazing staff members of GNC,

I just want to say thank you all so much for letting me enter your workspace and the resident’s home. The field trip was such a cool and fun thing I never thought I would do. Some things I learned was that people that have disabilities, disorders, illnesses, etc…can be funny like Robert Y, David, etc…they can have fun, and they are super cool people. Another thing I learned was that the residents don’t stay home all day. They get to go out to the A’s game, they’re fed well, they’re taken care of, and they’re cared about by everyone. One thing I loved while we were at GNC, was when I talked to Robert Y. He is a very cool person! Another thing I loved was when David was dancing to a song. I loved it. I will never forget about this amazing and fun trip. This trip is definitely the highlight of middle school. Thank you all again for welcoming me. I loved it!”